How do I backup and restore my database? Print

  • 121

- Log into Cpanel - Select Mysql - Select Php Myadmin Select all the tables in the right page and then check the "Structure and Data" radio box and 'Save as File' but don't check the zipped or gzipped options. Click 'Go' and it will prompt you to start a download of your database, save it as a .sql file where you will be able to find it later. Then, if you needed to restore your database, you'd want to login to PHPMyAdmin and check all the tables and 'drop' them. Right below the 'run queries' box on the right page you can select a local file from your computer to upload and run, and that is where you'd pick the .sql file you backed up. It'll take a few minutes to upload and process, and then it should show up fine.

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